Restorative Justice Service

Restorative Justice

We offer a service of restorative mediation - a neutral setting for people to talk directly to each other and develop a deeper understanding of their circumstances. Our aim is to facilitate communication between the parties and open up a dialogue between them so that the real human impact of conduct can be understood. Some of the outcomes of restorative mediation might include:

  • Genuine engagement between those affected by criminal conduct
  • An expression of the full impact that criminal conduct has had
  • The provision of answers to important questions about the criminal conduct
  • Individuals taking responsibility for their actions
  • Humanisation of the criminal justice system
  • Restored peace between individuals within communities
  • Active restoration of losses suffered
  • A forum for the realisation of genuine remorse
  • An ability for victims to make sense of their tragedy and assist them relieve their fears
  • Personal deterrence for those who have engaged in criminal conduct

When might you use our service?

  • A criminal charge has not yet been preferred but is anticipated
  • The matter cannot be dealt with by the Justice Mediation Program
  • The prosecution/ police will not consent to mediation
  • There are time-sensitive issues to finalising the matter
  • To evidence remorse and restoration at sentence

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